Begin your new career with confidence!
Designed to cover the many points of "What comes next?" for new APRN graduates, Coalition Conference #35 offers a new workshop to help new NPs hit the ground running toward success.
Learn how to get started in practice and what you will need to do first. You'll hear real-world advice about the best ways to work on credentialing, getting a NPI number, a DEA number and more.
Hear the best ways to prepare for your job search, to interview and strategies to aid in your important contract negotiations. You will be informed of the benefits of aligning yourself with your professional organization, the state laws you will need to know, the importance of Continuing Education and how to make yourself available and known to your community.
You'll get tips on how to keep track of your credentials, CEs as well as vital information concerning scope of practice, CAPA agreements and Kentucky laws governing prescribing.
REGISTER for CC35 - The 35th Annual Coalition Conference
CC35 SESSION 108 - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
New Graduate Boot Camp Workshop
2 pm - 5:30 pm
Featured Speakers
Elizabeth Partin DNP, APRN FAANP
Julianne Z. Ewen DNP, FNP- BC, FAANP
Julie Ossege PhD, FNP-BC, FNAP, FAANP